Email: Add / Edit Signature

Add / Edit

To add or edit an email signature that will appear at the bottom of emails you send from Volunteer Impact:

  1. Go to: Main >> Edit My Profile
  2. Open the “Miscellaneous” section in the “Main” tab of your profile
  3. Click on the “Administrator” tab
  4. Enter the text in the “Email Signature” field. You can also click the [Insert] button in the editor to add images or links to files within your signature.
  5. Click the [Save] button


As a shortcut when in the body of an email (if you haven’t typed a message yet), you can easily update your email signature.

  1. Go to Edit >> Update Signature (in the Rich Text Editor) and edit your signature information. The email signature associated with your profile is now updated for this and future emails.

This is available on any administrator interface where you would send an email.

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