Hours: Logged Automatically


If you have chosen to have hours logged automatically for your scheduled Activity and that Activity has Feedback Fields associated with it, no values will be recorded or requested for those Feedback Fields. You might want to consider not having hours logged automatically when the Activity has Feedback Fields associated with it.



This feature is only available for scheduled activities.
  1. Create or edit an activity
  2. Go to the “Basic Info” tab
  3. Check the box “Auto log hours for this activity”
  4. Click the [Save] button

Hours will be logged automatically for this scheduled activity once the shift ends.


  • Auto Log Hours applies only to:
    • scheduled activities
    • activities that have the setting enabled
    • active activities (once an activity is made inactive, it won’t have hours auto logged for it until it is re-activated)
      • when inactivating an activity that has auto log hours enabled, all shifts are set to the status of “do not auto log”
      • when re-activating an activity that has auto log hours enabled, all past shifts will remain in the status of “do not auto log” and all current / future shifts will be marked as “awaiting auto logging”
      • when shifts are added to an active activity that has auto log hours enabled, the same rules apply (i.e. past shifts will be marked as “do not auto log” and current / future shifts will be marked as “awaiting auto logging”)
  • When an existing activity is made into an auto log hours activity, past shifts will be marked as “do not auto log” and current / future shifts will be marked as “awaiting auto logging”
  • When auto log hours is disabled for an activity, all shifts are marked as “do not auto log”
  • The “Volunteers are allowed to log hours” setting works independently of the auto log hours setting. This means that a volunteer could still potentially log hours for an auto logged activity.  They will be warned that, by doing so, they may be creating duplicate entries
  • You cannot edit the start/end times of shifts that have been auto logged, either individually or in bulk
  • Assigning someone to a past shift will not cause hours to be auto logged for them
  • Removing someone from a past shift that has had hours auto logged for it will not result in their timelog entry being removed
  • If an administrator attempts to log hours for an activity where auto log hours has been enabled, they will be warned that, by doing so, they may be creating duplicate entries

Once a Shift is Over

If an activity has auto log hours enabled, here’s what happens when a shift is over. (This can happen anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours after the shift has ended.)

  • Hours are logged for all assigned / assigned-and-confirmed volunteers for the shift (depending on the organization-level setting for this volunteers for Auto Log Hours)
  • The need for approval of hours is determined by the organization-level setting
  • The number of hours logged is equal to the duration of the shift
  • The type “Automatic” is applied to the entry (as opposed to entries that are “Manual”, “Timeclock”, or “Unknown”)
  • The shift is marked as “Has been auto logged”

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