Adding a Volunteer to the Database

Adding a Volunteer (where the volunteer applies online)

Ideally, new volunteers should add themselves to your database. If they fill in any sort of form and then you or another administrator types that information into the database, that work is being done twice.

  1. Generate a signup link to add to your website
  2. Provide the link to whoever is responsible for your organizations website or email the link to the volunteer

[alert heading=”Volunteers that are new to” type=”alert-warning” block=”false” close=”false”]New volunteers start off by entering their contact information. If a date of birth is required on the application form, the volunteer cannot specify the current year as their year of birth. Applicants are required to enter at least one contact phone number.[/alert]

[alert heading=”Volunteers that already have a profile in” type=”alert-warning” block=”false” close=”false”]Applicants with an existing profile bypass the entry of their contact information. The application process will check to see if the volunteer has a date of birth (if required), phone number, and primary email address entered in their existing profile. It will also ensure that they have acknowledged your organization’s policies (if required).[/alert]

Adding a Volunteer Through the Administrator Interface

[alert heading=”” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”false”]When creating a volunteer profile, the username you specify must be unique not only within your organization, but across all organizations using Volunteer Impact. This is because volunteer profiles can belong to multiple organizations.[/alert]

  1. Go to: People >> Volunteers >> Add a Volunteer
  2. Optionally, check the box at the top if you are creating a profile for someone that won’t be logging on. In this case, the username will be generated based on the email or first/last name you enter for them. A random password will also be assigned.
  3. Fill in the fields in the “Contact Information” section. Mandatory fields are indicated with a flag. Usernames (not case sensitive) and passwords (case sensitive) must be at least 6 characters in length.
  4. Optional: In the “Settings” section, compose a personal message to the volunteer. This will be displayed to the volunteer on their home page.
  5. In the Volunteer module area, select the volunteer’s status from the drop-list.
  6. Click the [Add a Volunteer] button
  7. Continue, by adding other information to the volunteer’s profile

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