Adding More Shifts to an Existing Activity

Add a Single Shift

  1. Edit the desired scheduled activity
  2. Open the “Schedule” tab
  3. Click the [Add Single Shift] button
  4. Enter the date of the new shift
  5. Enter the start and end time
  6. Click the [Add Shift] button

Add Multiple Shifts - no pattern

  1. Edit the desired scheduled activity
  2. Open the “Schedule” tab
  3. Click the [Add Single Shift] button
  4. Enter the date of the new shift
  5. Enter the start and end time
  6. Click the [Save and Add Another] button
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 (above) to add additional shifts on a disjointed / irregular schedule. Click the [Add Shift] button to add your final shift to the activity.

Add Multiple Shifts - template

  1. Edit the desired scheduled activity
  2. Open the “Schedule” tab
  3. Click the [Add Multiple Shifts] button
  4. Select the shift template from the drop list. You can edit the shifts that display; this will not change the structure of your template.
  5. In the “Pattern Range” section, enter the start date and end date (“until this date”) to use for creating shifts based on the pattern in your template
  6. Click the [Save] button

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