Anniversaries - Search / Report


  1. Go to: People Search
  2. Choose statuses of the volunteers you would like to search
  3. Click the [Add Search Criteria] button
  4. For “Search Type”, select “Date Joined” from the drop-down list
  5. Enter the start and end dates for the range to check
  6. Click the [Add and Go] button

Report on Anniversary Dates

  1. Go to Reports >> Exports / Excel Reports >> Personal Profile Export
  2. Search for the desired profiles to include (See: Search)
  3. Check the “DateJoined” column from the “Misc Fields” section in “Basic Export Columns”
  4. Select any other columns to include in your report
  5. Select the file format
  6. Click the [Export Profiles] button

If you would like to calculate years of service, add a formula to calculate the difference between today’s date and the volunteer’s start date and copy it to all rows that have volunteers.

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