Implemention Guide

Thank You

Whether you are at the stage of trialing Volunteer Impact or you have already purchased, we want to express our thanks. We love that we are able to help volunteer engaging organizations like yours.

Implementation Overview

[alert heading=”Javascript:” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”false”]Be sure to enable javascript in your internet browser in order to log on to Volunteer Impact.[/alert]

Implementation is divided into four areas:

  1. Settings and configurations (to make the system more your own)
  2. Building up the application form and generic volunteer profile
  3. Adding existing volunteer positions and where relevant, their generic schedules
  4. Adding and updating existing volunteer profiles

Not every implementation is exactly the same so if you come across an area where you want to do things a little differently, feel free. And if you want to check with us first to ask us our opinion, please do. We really are here to help and want to get you off to the best start possible.

If you like a check list to work though you can download one here.

This Pre-Launch Checklist includes the menu options associated with the various tasks to complete before launching to your volunteers.


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You’ll be through this section in no time.

With the exception to the time it takes to create a banner for your volunteer portal and the time it takes to dig up ID numbers from Twitter and Flickr, you’ll be through all of this in ten to fifteen minutes (provided volunteers don’t knock on your door while you’re working on it). 🙂

  1. Verify your organization name and address etc. Your volunteers will see the name of your organization exactly as it appears in this screen.
    In the black menu bar at the top, go to Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Contact Info
  2. Verify the time zone of your office. It will ensure accuracy in some of your scheduling rules.
    Go to Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Time Zone Settings
  3. Replace the temporary banner we have in place in the volunteer portal. You can add this at any time but you might want to get someone working on it so that it is ready when you need it. The specifications for getting the banner can be found here (opens in a new tab).
    Go to Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Banner Management
  4. Copy and paste you mission statement into the system. Prospective and current volunteers will see it on a regular basis, reminding them of the great purpose behind your organization.
    Go to Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Mission Statement
  5. Review the default setting we have for schedules and recording hours. If any of the choices require further explanation, you’ll find a tutorial here (new tab). Since you are just getting started, you likely only need to consider the first section on the screen “Scheduling and Hours Settings” at this stage.


[accordion title=”2 – Building up the application form and generic volunteer profile”]


[accordion title=”3 – Adding existing volunteer positions & their generic schedules”]


[accordion title=”4 – Adding and updating existing volunteer profiles”]




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