Adding a New Activity - Step 3

Visibility and Automation

  1. Visible to: Select which volunteers can see your Activity. If they can see it, they can sign up for it:
    • Public: All of your volunteers can see the Activity (it will also appear on your Activity List signup link to potential applicants)
      • Activities that require your volunteers to be “vetted” should probably not be set with “public” visibility.
    • Visible to all volunteers who are: Only volunteers with the status you select (and optionally with the qualifications for the Activity) will be able to see the Activity
    • Only volunteers who are signed up, assigned or on the backup list
  2. Self-Scheduling: Automatically assign these volunteers when they sign up for the Activity/shift (based on their status and optionally by their qualifications for the Activity)
  3. Auto Lock: Prevents volunteers from signing up when an Activity/shift is full
  4. Minimum Volunteers: Minimum number of people needed for the Activity/shift
  5. Maximum Volunteers: Maximum number of people needed for the Activity/shift (triggers the auto-lock)
  6. Allow volunteers to remove themselves: Indicate whether or not volunteers who have confirmed their assignment can withdraw from it
  7. Cutoff signup: Indicate whether you want to prevent people from signing up for a shift within a specified number of hours before it begins

[alert heading=”NOTE:” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”false”]We have selected the most common settings used on this screen but they can be changed of course to meet your particular needs. One change that you will need to do is either fill in a maximum number of volunteers allowed in the Activity/shift, OR uncheck the auto-lock feature, which ever best suits your needs for this particular Activity.[/alert]

Displaying the Number of Shift Openings to Volunteers

If you have enabled volunteers to see how many shift openings there are (when viewing the list of shifts in a scheduled activity), they will see how many open positions there are and how many total positions there are for the shift.  If there are 5 open positions out of 10 total positions, this would be displayed to the volunteer as “5/10”.

Here’s how those numbers are calculated.

For Activities set to Auto-Lock based on Assignments:

  • Positions Open = (MAXIMUM Volunteers) – (Volunteers currently ASSIGNED to the shift)
  • Positions Total =  (MAXIMUM Volunteers)

For Activities set to Auto-Lock based on Signups:

  • Positions Open = (MAXIMUM Volunteers) – (Volunteers currently SIGNED UP for the shift)
  • Positions Total =  (MAXIMUM Volunteers)

For Activities where Auto-Lock is not enabled:

  • Positions Open = (MINIMUM Volunteers) – (Volunteers currently SIGNED UP for or Volunteers currently ASSIGNED to the shift, whichever value is greater)
  • Positions Total =  (MINIMUM Volunteers)

(If the calculation for “Positions Open” results in a negative number, a zero will be displayed.)

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