Application Form Settings

1) General Settings

  1. Go to: Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Application Form Settings and select the application form you wish to customize. You will see whether or not the application form is currently enabled (i.e. volunteers can submit an application) or disabled (i.e. volunteers cannot submit an application).
  2. Scroll to the “General Settings” section and select the desired options:
    • New volunteers require approval: If checked, the profile will be created with a status of “Applicant”. If not checked, the profile will be created with a status of “Accepted”.
    • Automatically send an email to new volunteers after the volunteer application form is filled out: If checked, the email message typed in the box below will be sent out to volunteers once they complete your application form (including the second page with any custom fields that are required)
      [alert heading=”TIP” type=”alert-success” block=”false” close=”false”]Use the “Insert >> First Name” feature in the mail message box and the automated email will be personally addressed to the volunteer.[/alert]
    • Disable this application application form: If checked, volunteers will not be able to submit their application to your organization. Enter the desired “Disabled Application Form Message” that your applicants will see to inform them that you are not accepting applications (using this form) at this time.

(If this is all you are changing, scroll to the bottom and click the [Save] button, otherwise continue on to the next section.)

[alert heading=”Note” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”true”]Different links can be created to different applications forms (max 3) and each form can behave differently. Click on the Application 1, 2 or 3 tabs to switch between forms.[/alert]

2) Step One Settings

  1. Go to: Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Application Form Settings and select the application form you wish to customize. You will see whether or not the application form is currently enabled (i.e. volunteers can submit an application) or disabled (i.e. volunteers cannot submit an application).
  2. Scroll to the “Step One Settings” section (the options on the introductory screens of your application form) and select the desired options:
    • Show the birthdate field and require volunteers to enter it: If checked a birthdate field will be added to you application form
    • Require volunteers to accept your volunteer policies as the first step in filling out the volunteer application form: If checked, volunteers will have to tick a box to indicated that they have read, and agreed with, the policies you list in the box below this field.

(If this is all you are changing, scroll to the bottom and click the [Save] button, otherwise continue on to the next section.)

3) Step Two Settings

  1. Go to: Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Application Form Settings and select the application form you wish to customize. You will see whether or not the application form is currently enabled (i.e. volunteers can submit an application) or disabled (i.e. volunteers cannot submit an application).
  2. Scroll to the “Step Two Settings” section (the fields you have created for your application form) and select the desired options (they are all optional):
    • Show General Interests: Just getting started? This should be checked. If checked, your active General Interests (typically opportunities for which you are recruiting) will show up on the application form and volunteer will be able to tick boxes next to the ones that interest them.
    • Show General Availability: Just getting started? This should be checked. This will help collect the data that will enable you to search for volunteers by their availability and enable volunteers to filter lists of Activities by their availability.
    • Select Classifications: Applicable only to accounts in a Volunteer Impact Enterprise Edition or a Community Impact System. If you can see these you should check the applicable boxes to help volunteers identify the volunteer opportunities of interest to them.
    • General Availability Form Header: Some organizations like to add some verbiage to application form right above the General Availability Section. It’s completely optional but this is where you would add it if you want to. You might want to let your volunteers know that specifying their General Availability will give them additional options when searching for opportunities that match the Schedule Classifications you have associated with your Activities.
    • General Interests Form Header: Some organizations like to add some verbiage to application form right above the General Interests Section. It’s completely optional but this is where you would add it if you want to.
    • Qualification Form Header: Some organizations like to add some verbiage to application form right above the Qualification Section. It’s completely optional but this is where you would add it if you want to.
    • Custom Field Form Header: Some organizations like to add some verbiage to application form right above the Custom Field Section. It’s completely optional but this is where you would add it if you want to.
    • Override notice to complete application form text: You can override the default message that would appear to applicants, reminding them to complete the entire application form. You also have the option to “put this message inside a notice container” so that it will take on any of the Branding settings you may have defined and to “include this message at the bottom of the application form” (in addition to appearing at the top).

(If this is all you are changing, scroll to the bottom and click the [Save] button, otherwise continue on to the next section.)

4) Application Complete Settings

  1. Go to: Configuration >> Organization Settings >> Application Form Settings and select the application form you wish to customize. You will see whether or not the application form is currently enabled (i.e. volunteers can submit an application) or disabled (i.e. volunteers cannot submit an application).
  2. Scroll to the “Application Complete Settings” section if you wish to override the default text on the application complete page and select the desired options:
    • Text to show if there are no activities for the volunteer to sign up for: You can override the text that will display to the applicant if there are no activities available for them to sign up for after completing the application form.
    • Text to show if there are activities for the volunteer to sign up for: You can override the text that will display to the applicant if there are activities available for them to sign up for after completing the application form.
  3. Click the [Save] button


Interactive Sample Form

To get an idea of what the volunteers will see when they apply, click the green [Interactive Sample Form] button. This will allow you to see how the application form is configured.

[alert heading=”Note” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”true”]1. Your banner graphic will appear at the top of the page when volunteers apply but it does not show up here.
2. You do not need to fill anything in when you go through this sample form. :)[/alert]

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