Printing Volunteer Profile Photos

[alert heading=”IMPORTANT:” type=”alert-danger” block=”false” close=”false”]By including the “PhotoUrl” field in your Personal Profile Export, you can make a badge or nametag that includes the volunteer’s profile photo. While the export is run within Volunteer Impact, the production of the badge or nametag must be done within Microsoft Word using the “Mail Merge” capabilities. The steps must be followed exactly. In order to assist you in doing this, we have some templates available for you.[/alert]

[alert heading=”” type=”alert-danger” block=”false” close=”false”]Please note that the maximum number of records to be used for this Mail Merge operation is 500.[/alert]

Downloadable Instructions and Sample Templates

You can download a printable document with the detailed instructions on printing badges / nametags that contain volunteer profile photos. Please note that these should be considered for advanced usage.

Here are a couple of templates you can work with in preparing your badges:

Step 1: Generate Personal Profile Export (in Volunteer Impact)

  1. Go to: Reports >> Exports / Excel Reports >> Personal Profile Export
  2. Search for the desired profiles (See: Search)
  3. Select the fields you need for your nametags, badges, etc. (e.g. “FirstName” and “LastName” under “Name Fields” in the “Basic Export Columns” section)
  4. Be sure to check the “PhotoUrl” field under “Misc Fields” in the “Basic Export Columns” section
  5. In the “Other Settings”, select either XLSX or XLS as the file format
  6. Click the [Export Profiles] button

[alert heading=”” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”false”]For more detailed instructions, please see the help article on Reporting on Volunteer Profiles.[/alert]

Step 2: Create Badge / Nametag Template File (in Microsoft Word)

Before beginning the Mail Merge operation, open Microsoft Word to create or modify the template you wish to use. You can take advantage of Microsoft Word’s list of labels, badges and nametag templates available.

Step 3: Mail Merge (in Microsoft Word)

[alert heading=”” type=”alert-danger” block=”false” close=”false”]These steps must be followed exactly, without deviation, and are intended for use by those with a high level of comfort using the Mail Merge functionality in Microsoft Word.[/alert]

  1. Open your badge template file in Microsoft Word
  2. Select the ‘Mailings’ tab in the ribbon
  3. Click on ‘Select Recipients’ >> ‘Use an Existing List’
  4. Locate the Personal Profiles Export report you generated and click ‘Open’
  5. A pop-up window will be displayed. Leave everything as is and click ‘Ok’.
  6. To set the maximum height and width dimensions of the images inside each badge, either insert a table, or insert a textbox into your template from the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon.

      • If using a table, right click on the table, and select ‘Table Properties’
      • Click on the ‘Row’ tab, and click ‘Specify Height’, set the height to whichever dimensions you prefer, and change ‘At Least’ to say ‘Exactly’, then click ‘Ok’.
      • You can also add or remove borders from your table by right clicking and going to ‘Table Properties’, then ‘Table’ tab, and select ‘Borders and Shading’. This tutorial demonstrates without visible borders:
      • If using a textbox, create a ‘Simple Textbox’ by going to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon, and clicking on ‘Text Box’, and selecting ‘Simple Text Box’
      • Draw your textbox on the template
      • To position the textbox anywhere on the template, right click on the textbox, and click ‘Format AutoShape/Picture’, go to the ‘Layout’ tab, and select ‘In Front of Text’
      • Now drag your textbox to the desired location on your template.
      • You can also add or remove borders from your textbox by going to ‘Format AutoShape/Picture’, then ‘Colors and Lines’ tab, and changing the formatting. This tutorial demonstrates without visible borders:
  1. Insert merge fields inside your badge template by going to the ‘Mailings’ >> ‘Insert Merge Field’ and selecting the field you want to display at the cursor location.
  2. First we will deal with the ‘PhotoUrl’ field. These instructions must be followed exactly:
    • Go to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon
    • Locate the ‘Quick Parts’ menu option and click ‘Field’
    • Locate ‘IncludePicture’ under the field names list and click ‘Ok’
    • Delete the ‘\* MERGEFORMAT’ text inside the field, and type two sets double quotes (“”) and place your cursor between them.
    • Go to the ‘Mailings’ tab in the ribbon, click ‘Insert Merge Field’ >> PhotoUrl (or whichever column heading contains the location of the profile photos)
    • Finally, place your cursor after the last set of double quotes, press space, and type ‘\d’. This is a field switch that tells the image data to save with the document.
  3. For all other merge fields, simply place your cursor in the location you want the field data to appear, select ‘Insert Merge Field’ >> ‘YourFieldName’ to insert the merge field.
  4. When you are satisfied with the placement of your merge fields, go to the ‘Mailings’ tab, select ‘Finish & Merge’, and ‘Edit Individual Documents’ to view your mail merge prior to printing, leave the selection as ‘All’, and click ‘Ok’.
  5. When you generate your merge document, you may notice that some of the merge fields, including the photo have not been updated and do not display the data, or you may see an error message. To fix this, highlight the entire document (Shortcut is CTRL + A), and press F9. This will update all your fields.

Other Tutorials Related to Volunteer Profiles

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