Email Notifications to Administrators

What Is an Email Notification to Administrators?

As an administrator of Volunteer Impact, you can choose to receive notification by email when:

  • A new volunteer completes your application form
  • A volunteer signs up for an Activity/shift or changes availability
  • Declines an assigned shift
  • A volunteer resigns from your organization

[alert heading=”IMPORTANT NOTE:” type=”alert-danger” block=”false” close=”false”]If notifications have been enabled, they are for all volunteers and all activities. Notifications cannot be restricted to specific volunteers, activities or application forms.[/alert]

Configuring Which Notifications an Administrator Receives

  1. Type part of the name of the relevant administrator in the Quick Search bar near the top on the right
  2. Click on that administrators name in the list that appears.
  3. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section
  4. In the “Administrator” section, go to the “Communications” options in “Admin Settings”
  5. Set the desired Notifications:
    • Change in Activity availability notifications:
      • when a volunteer signs up for an Activity or shift
      • when a volunteer signs up for multiple shifts at once
      • when a volunteer removes their signup for an Activity of shift
      • when a volunteer removes their signup for multiple shifts
    • Declined shift assignment notifications:
      • when a volunteer declines one or more shifts to which they have been assigned
    • Confirmed shift assignment notifications
      • when a volunteer confirms one or more shift assignments manually (NOTE: this notification does not apply if you have assignments set to be confirmed automatically)
    • Volunteer status change notifications:
      • when an existing volunteer resigns from your organization (i.e. sets their profile status to “Archived”)
      • if an archived volunteer (or client) re-applies to your organization
    • New organization member notifications:
      • when there is a new application from a volunteer (or client)
      • when there is a new volunteer (or client) but had a previous association with the organization
      • when an enterprise adds a volunteer to a new organization in their enterprise
  6. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the “Administrator” section

[alert heading=”TIP:” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”false”]You can download this document on Creating Outlook Rules to Filter Your Notification Emails.[/alert]


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