
We are helping leaders of volunteers at museums keep their organizations operating efficiently and effectively. Volunteers are often the face of your museum, and Volunteer Impact gives them the tools to communicate with administrators to ensure the best possible experience for Museum visitors.

Accept application forms online

From application to interview, and on to inductions and scheduling, our volunteer management information system can help you get more done in less time.

Communicate with specific volunteer groups

Email all the museum docents, or all the docents with 5 year’s experience, or all the volunteers on the schedule this Saturday, or based on anything else in the database.

Track training and other qualifications

Our museum database software for managing volunteers is easy to use. Custom fields are amazingly flexible and you can search and report on any one (or more) of them.

Reduce the time required to generate reports

With our software for museums, volunteers can punch-in using a time-clock interface and their hours will feed directly into reports.

Some museums using our volunteer software

What your peers say...

“Online help articles are clear, easily found and understood. Getting my volunteer data imported into software was a smooth and painless process. Customer support via phone and email is awesome - Quick replies!”
Hagley Museum and Library - USA
“We save a lot of time as volunteers can enter their hours themselves and keep their profile up to date.”
City of Ottawa Museums
“We find the software very easy to use for both administrators and volunteers. We are certain it will enable us to significantly increase the number of volunteers.”
Pennine Lancashire Museums

Book some time with a Software Sales Advisor

For service in English, please book with Brandi.



Pour le service en Français, réservez un rendez-vous avec Cameron.



Why schedule this time with Brandi or Cameron?

Get some help in determining which version of our software is the best fit for your environment

Ask whatever questions you have based on the software demonstrations online

Get answers to questions about pricing, preparing a quote or placing an order


Better Impact Reviews

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