Social Service Organizations

Our social service members span four continents and covers all sorts of worthy causes. We are very happy to be a part of so many amazing teams.

No matter how your organization helps others, we can help you

Our social services software for tracking volunteers is flexible and has the configurable options need to align with your needs.

Streamline your intake processes

From application to interview to inductions and scheduling, Volunteer Impact can help you get more done in less time. Log volunteer hours, manage schedules, and more.

Hand together to form a support

Simplify scheduling

With our software’s volunteer tracking features, you can schedule volunteers yourself or let them self-schedule within the roles you decide they can fill.

Report on outputs as well as volunteer hours

Hours information is important but it only tells half the story. Use Volunteer Impact with your social services software to gather feedback at the end of every volunteer shift.

Social service nonprofits using our volunteer software

What your peers say...

"The software’s ability to easily capture volunteer hours for data reporting on our events works great for identifying volunteers to recognize."
4 Wing Military Family Resource Centre Society - Canada
"Volunteer Impact has streamlined our volunteer management activities in the best possible way."
YMCAs of Quebec - Canada
"Volunteer Impact is affordable, simple to use and easily customizable to suit our changing needs. They have a clear understanding of the needs of volunteer mangers. We don’t know how we managed so many years without it!"
Martha’s Table - Canada

Book some time with a Software Sales Advisor

For service in English, please book with Brandi.



Pour le service en Français, réservez un rendez-vous avec Cameron.



Why schedule this time with Brandi or Cameron?

Get some help in determining which version of our software is the best fit for your environment

Ask whatever questions you have based on the software demonstrations online

Get answers to questions about pricing, preparing a quote or placing an order


Better Impact Reviews

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